LED Embedded Cop Heels

LED Embedded Cop Heels

LED Embedded Cop Heels

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 05:30 PM PST

LED Embedded Cop Heels Hubba, hubba, Mrs. Officer!

Insanely ghetto fabulous pair of cop heels that belong in a Lil' Wayne video. These babies blink like a siren, and are laden with teeny, tiny law-enforcement detailing, such as headlights, turn signals and strobe lights. Designed by Tim Cooper.

Previously, High Fashion Invisible Shoes. ...more

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Multitouch Skin Transforms Any Surface Into a Touchscreen

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 12:00 PM PST

Multitouch Skin Transforms Any Surface Into a Touchscreen Coming soon! Popsci reports that a multitouch skin that can make any surface a touchscreen will be released this summer.

Portuguese company Displax will "market a multitouch capable, super-thin polymer "skin" that can be applied to any material -- flat, curved, opaque, transparent, you name it -- creating a digital muli-touch surface virtually anywhere, from a wristband to a desktop to a pane of clear glass."

Very cool. Displax says that the skin will be able to detect even the subtlest of touches - even blowing on it. A futuristic, sci-fi existence is creeping closer, becoming more and more ...more

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1000's of the Web's Hottest Photoshop Tutorials & Resources

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 07:00 AM PST

1000's of the Web's Hottest Photoshop Tutorials & Resources Noupe has compiled an amazing collection of literally thousands of the highest-in-demand Photoshop tutorials, brushes, patterns, textures, actions and .PSD downloadable files.

"Due to this phenomenally vast amount of textures, brushes, patterns available, you can now add dirt, rust, floral effect, swirls, mold, oil stains in your artworks and photos to give them an aged, damaged, dreamy or any look you want."

This incredible list is broken down by category for easy navigation. Check it out. 

(P.S. When you're done combing through that list, you may want to wander over to WonderHowTo's ...more

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